Kauppakeskus Kaari opening hours
The majority of the shops and restaurants available at Kauppakeskus Kaari follow the opening hours of the shopping centre. Some businesses including certain restaurants, Alko, the pharmacy and banks also operate on their own schedule.
You can check the individual opening hours of any store or restaurant in the Stores & Services menu. You can use Kauppakeskus Kaari's parking hall during the shopping centre's opening hours.
Kauppakeskus Kaari general opening hours
Mon-Fri 7-23 Saturday 7-23 Sunday 7-23
Prisma opening hours
Open 24 h
Opening hours for specialty stores
Please check the opening hours of each shp from here
Opening hours for restaurants
Restaurants follow individual opening hours. Please check how your favorite restaurants are open from the menu.
Special opening hours during public holidays
Please check special opening hours from the menu.